These Thai Peanut Burger Wraps with Spicy Peanut Dipping Sauce are from Vegan Planet. I had a difficult time getting them to firm up--I think I used firm tofu whereas it would have turned out better if I had used extra-firm. But no worries... They still tasted delicious, peanutty with a spicy kick, and a satisfyingly crunchy coating. The sauce made a perfect accompaniment--I was worried that it would be a bit excessive on the peanut flavor, but to the contrary, it really helped to bring out the different flavors that were going on.
I had leftovers, which were actually not quite as tasty as they were when they were fresh. I'm not really complaining... Maybe that's just me, anyway. I can definitely be funny about leftovers, and there are certain foods that I just don't really like when they have to be reheated. Oh well--the simple solution is to halve the recipe next time. Problem solved!
Have a great week. I'll be back around soon!
glad to see you back here...
I'm sorry things have been so rough... if you ever need to talk, I'm here.
Hey Lauara--Nice to see you back. The burger wraps look marvy. That sauce is calling my name.
As for the blog, it's supposed to be fun, so I wouldn't get too regimented about it--unless you're having fun!
I've blogged about these before (although yours look much prettier!) I had the same problem with them holding together, I ended up adding more panko and that seemed to help. Glad to see you back!
Nice to see you posting again! I am sorry about your funk, but it sounds like you have a plan and you know what you need to do. You need to take time out for yourself and do things you enjoy--no matter how busy you get! You have to take care of yourself.
Those wraps look really really good...and I am not even a huge peanut butter fan!
Mmmm...I love anything peanut-y and don't worry, I'm the same way about leftovers too :)
Good to hear from you Laura! Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, doesn't it? AS UV said, just have fun with it!
I'm glad to hear you'll be blogging a bit more (even if it's not every week) - I really enjoy reading what you have to say. (-:
I enjoy your blog, too, Laura!
I agree that an extra-firm tofu is key in those Thai Peanut-Burgers and it seems like every brand of tofu has a different idea about what "extra-firm" means! In any case, a little extra breadcrumbs or some flour will usually do the trick.
Good to see your back and blogging! Its hard to make time for blogging when life gets buisy(ive run into that many times allready)!
I enjoy you blog, and really love the name!
God Bless,
yeah - I want that sauce on my next wrap.
Spicy Peanut Dipping Sauce, yum! That burger looks amazing.
Mmmm looks like a terrific way to kick-start your re-entry to the blogging world!
I like your blogger initiative, because it's so nice to hear from you! I love dreaming of re-visiting Atlanta, especially as the weather gets warmer and warmer!
This looks really delicious. :)
Will try making this out next weekend.
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