So... What has been going on in my life?
This is the only time I am ever going to mention this on this blog--and I'm telling you this way only because it's something that has to be told, and this is the only way I know of to tell you. Bob and I are split up right now. More pertinently, he decided that he wanted to move out. And I've been left with a mass of confusion, depression, loneliness, sadness... but most of all, confusion. Why should it have to be this way? I have no idea. But over the past few weeks, I have come to accept the fact that it is this way, now... maybe temporarily, maybe not. And I'm trying to look only forward from here.
If you want to ask me anything or to talk about this situation any at all, please don't hesitate to. Just send me an e-mail. I don't mind talking to any one of you about this. But I don't want to do it here on this blog. Hopefully now I can get back to this blog and what it was meant for--sharing delicious vegan creations!
I haven't cooked very much over the past month or so, but I do have a few things to share with you. For Christmas I received two great new cookbooks: Vegan Planet by Robin Robertson, and Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan by Dreena Burton. I'm just starting to dive into them.

This is the Tuscan Spelt Soup from Vegan Planet--except I replaced the spelt with barley, as I did not have whole spelt on hand. It was hearty and delicious, perfect for a day like this:

Can you believe it? In Atlanta? It may look like a puny dusting to many of you, but this is as much snow as I have ever seen on the ground in my life!

Do snow days scream "comfort food" to you? Well, today screamed that to me. That's why I made myself the Apple Cinnamon French Toast, also from Vegan Planet. The cooked apple topping was the perfect touch... with a cup of coffee and wrapped in a warm blanket, as I sat and watched the snow falling through my dining room window. *Sigh*

I went on a business trip to Winston-Salem, North Carolina a few weeks back, and I stayed at a bed and breakfast. It was my first stay at a bed and breakfast, and I was anxious to see how the food situation would work itself out. Steel-cut oats with walnuts and cranberries, and a side of sautéed squash... I would say it worked out quite well.

I went back to Athens with some friends for New Year's, and after staying out until 5:00 A.M. we slept until noon, and then went to Big City Bread--an Athens classic--for brunch. Their tofu scramble was delicious.

And this is one of the best roasted veggie wraps I have ever had, at Doc Green's here in Atlanta. I really appreciated the fact that they offered a sandwich without cheese on it--I hate having to ask to have the cheese left off. Why are people so addicted to cheese, anyway, that it has to be served on everything?? Anyway, not this time. And the chipotle-spiced veggie chili that I had on the side was equally delicious.
Now that I am back to cooking, I am planning to do it full-force... even though it is busy season at work now and I'm going to be up to my ears in tax returns for the next couple of months!
I'll be back around very very soon. I can't wait to read all your blogs again! Take care!
It is great to see you posting again! Your food looks amazingly good, and your "snow" photo made me smile--you can have all of our snow if you want it!
Hang in there!
Laura, I'm terribly sorry to hear what has been going on; but I'm THRILLED to "see" you back in the blogging world, sharing your latest food creations/finds - your soup and French toast look divine, and the meals you've been able to experience in Atlanta, at restaurants and such, look fantastic as well!!
keep cooking, and keep your head high!! :0)
I've only fairly recently discovered your blog and have been loving it. I'm sorry to hear of what has been going on in your life, try to stay strong and cry when you need to.
The food looks delicious and snow! I adore snow. Every 10 years or so we'd get a super light dusting like that where I lived up until a couple of months ago (no chance where I live now). I was always super excited to see it, so I know the feeling :)
Glad you are back. We missed you.
I'm so sorry Laura.. that is really sad. If you need to talk, I'm here. I understand what you're going through.
The food looks awesome as usual... that veggie wrap looks perfect. It is nice they offered a wrap without cheese.
Glad to see you back in the blog hood, chicklet. You know you can talk to me anytime.
That food all looks insanely good...I love Vegan Planet--and I rediscover it from time to time. I can't belidve you got a dusting of snow. It looks like confectioners' sugar on a cake.
you're a strong woman Laura! I've been there, and it does get easier with each passing day. I have both Vegan Planet and ED&BV. Vegan Planet is a staple cookbook for me. Try the Udon Noodles in Shittake-ginger broth on page 95. It's a perfect soup for cold "snowy" days!
Thinking of you Laura.
Laura -
I'm so glad to see you back. You've been in my thoughts. Your food looks comforting too -- we've had snow here in Virgina too (ugh).
Midwest Vegan (I've changed blogs)
Laura! Glad to see you've still been cooking. I got ED&BV and I'm loving it. I have had Vegan Planet from the library and it's on my ever-growing list of cookbooks I want to own. There are some recipes listed on her website and I tried Belgian-Style Seitan Stew with Dark Beer. It was delicious!
We've had hardly any snow here. Looks like you've got more in Georgia! Who woulda thought?
Try and keep your spirits up sweetie. I know it's hard. You know where to find me if you need me. I'm praying for the best outcome for YOU! What you want may not be best in the long run. Only God knows what is planned for you in the future. Sometimes we endure hardships for reasons we don't know yet. It doesn't make things easier at the moment, but I'm sure amazing things are ahead for you. XO
Laura, it is so good to see you writing in the blog again...I missed it. I am so sorry for all that has happened and pray God's peace will surround you.
Dolores Jones
Hi Laura-
I don't know you at all, but I can definitely empathize with your situation (I have experienced separation and then divorce). Just know that, at some point, the pain will be in past tense. It will.
Take care,
I'm glad to see you back. I was a little worried with you MIA for so long. You sound like you have gotten to a place that you are feeling strong. I wish you all the best.
So glad you are back to blogging Laura, very understandable that you needed a break. I know this is a difficult time, but from what I have read on your blog, you are a strong, determined, amazing person. Just remember that always!
Oh, and the food looks delicious too!
Laura, I'm so saddened by this news. But I'm confident you have the strength and support to get through this confusing time.
I'm glad you have time for blogging again because all the foods - yours and restaurant - look fantastic.
I'm really sorry to read that, but I'm glad you're back to the blogging. I experienced something similar a while back and it took me some time to get back in the kitchen, but once I got back to it, I really enjoyed it. And so did my friends! :)
I am so sorry to hear of this, and so sad for your loss. We have no idea what God is thinking or planning for us, and sometimes things within those plans seem like complete contradictions of what appears godly. I hope you can surrender to the belief that, even with these apparent detours, you are on a path that God set out for you - for your good.
Whatever is going on in Bob's heart is probably a complete mystery to you, and I am sorry for that. I hope that you can find the strength to pray for him - he is obviously suffering and taking it out on you. I just hope and pray that you can find some relief in all of this pain.
I am wishing you the best.
Laura, je pense à toi et je te garde dans mon coeur <3
I'm terribly sorry , you can count with me too!
Laura, I'm so sorry, and I'm wishing you the best.
Take care of yourself.
Good luck, Laura; things will get better soon. The food looks delicious; especially the tofu scramble. Great picture.
So glad you're back, Laura. May you feel embraced once again by this community of people who are inspired by your strength, your grace, and your amazing food while you journey thru this tough time.
Glad you are back. I am sorry for the life changes you have been going through, but it is good that you realize they will make you into the person you are to become. Stay as strong as we all know you are, but cry or scream when you need to.
Thank you for sharing with all of us.
I have missed you and I am praying for you!
Best of everything to you!
I'm really sorry about everything you have been going through! But it's great to have you back in the blogging world and to see all your delicious creations again. I' sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
Hi Laura, sorry to hear your news. I’ll be thinking of you. Take care.
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