I left out the smoked tofu and just added some liquid smoke instead. Mmm... I love soup, and split pea has always been one of my favorites.
Also from ED&BV, I made the Blueberry Carob Pancakes, with some Celestial Cream to go on top. The pancakes were heavenly--I just love carob--but the cream was so rich and delicious that it was otherworldly. This is one of the first dessert recipes I've made with silken tofu that didn't actually taste like tofu! One of the best parts of this breakfast was when I froze the leftover pancakes--knowing I would be able to enjoy them again soon!
I made this Key Lime "Cheesecake" from Vegan Planet, after many times of flipping past the recipe, eyeing it, knowing I didn't need to consume it, but knowing how fun it would be to make. I finally broke down. It was so easy to make... and so bad, but so good. And it got a seal of approval from one of my co-workers. I especially love the gingersnap crust.
And this salad is just a typical dinner for me... Nothing fancy, but it serves its purpose. I find when I come home from work that I don't really want much to eat, so a salad is usually perfect.
I'll try to do some blog-hopping this weekend... I've gotten out of the loop, but I have been peeking in on your blogs when I could even if I haven't had time to do much commenting.
Take care!
are those pepperocinis? oooh, aren't they the best? :D
beautiful blog, by the way! those pancakes look heavenly.
woah! looks so good. especially the pancake... or the soup... or the cake... or the salad.. I want everything!
simple foods are the best foods!
hope you are taking care of yourself-::hugs:: all the way from phoenix!
I love pea soup too. I usually make a batch using a Linda McCartney recipe or the one in La Dolce Vegan. I saw that one in ED&BV and thought it sounded magically delicious.
Key Lime Cheesecake sounds sooooo good!!
I'm trying to think of something witty to say, but my brain is stuck on that Key Lime "Cheesecake"....
I hope this season is profitable but not too stressful for you!
Yuck, tax season. Seems like it's always that time of year (I always wait till the last day too).
I recently tried split pea soup for the first time and was really impressed. I will have to check out that recipe.
And sometimes even if we know things aren't good for us... it's good to make them anyway. Just like that cheesecake!!
That seems like a lot of good cooking for someone so busy! I've yet to try the celestial cream...must do that.
I *just* woke up this morning, haven't had breakfast, and am staring at the picture of your pancakes. *tummy growls*
that cheesecake looks drool worthy! i can't believe i've flipped past it so many times!
oh my goodness, all this food looks fabulous - especially the "cheesecake," pancakes (you know me with carob - anything made with it is a winning dish to me, haha), and salad - yum!!
try to get some rest, relax, and enjoy the rest of your weekend - take care, Laura! I'm so glad that you're blogging again :0)
Oh it's great to see that you're back :o).
The cheezecake looks absolutely gorgeous. I just recently found a recipe for key lime cheezecake, so hopefully I can get my act together and make it soon.
And the salad looks like a perfect simple meal. I used to hate salad, but have learned to love it and now I'll often have a nice, big salad as part of my lunch.
Laura, everything you made looks so great! I've been meaning to make that split pea soup. Your photo makes it look too good. I also want to try that celestial cream - on anything.
Soup and salad - two of my favourite things in the whole wide world, and yours both look absolutely delish!
Hi Laura!
All the chow looks wonderful. I have Vegan Planet and never saw that Lime Cheesecake recipe--now I have to make it.
Hi LAURA! I know this is such a busy time of year for you - take care. Your food looks fab. I recently made split pea in the crock pot & that worked out well. (do you have Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker?) Seems like having it simmer all day while you crunch numbers would work out well. I <3 having fresh-frozen pancakes ready to go!!! :)
Sorry haven't been around much lately due to tons of blackouts (bad Govt planning) so my blogs visits have been minimal.
Great food as usual. Split pea soup also one of my favorites, that and potato soup.
The pancakes look really wonderful.
Ooooh, key lime cheesecake! I so wish for a bite of that. And your salad looks like my kind of dinner, too. I'm not usually that hungry late in the day (I'm a definite breakfast girl), and a crisp salad is so refreshing.
Good luck with all the tax stuff! Daiku and I were grappling with our taxes last night, too.
I love split pea soup! That looks so good. :)
Split pea soup is on my list for this week... I'm really looking forward to it.
Thinking of you today, Laura.
:) love Amey
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