I donated blood this evening, even though I have an unnatural phobia of blood and come within an inch of passing out every time I am exposed to it. It was something I felt like I needed to do, and I promised myself a hot fudge sundae once it was all over.
I made the Hot Fudge Sauce from The Everyday Vegan, drizzled it over some vanilla ice cream (So Delicious, of course), and crumbled a cookie over the top. Sometimes you just need to be good to yourself, right? And it was very, very good...
I will catch up in the next couple of days. I hope. I have been cooking some real food too, and I can't wait to share it with you. I hope you all have had a good beginning to the week. Peace!
This reward wasn't just decadent, it was necessary, to build back up everything you lost through giving blood! =) I think giving blood is a great thing- I haven't been able to do it for 2 years because of the tattooed wedding ring I have, but that will soon be over and I can start again!
bravo for donating and what a great reward! I guess I missed that recipe.. hummmmm...
mmmm what a perfect treat for a job well done. I love your sundae dish, too!
yum!looks good, great job.
Kudos to you for conquering a fear and doing something giving to help others! I used to give blood on a regular basis, but have slipped a little in the past couple of years and have only gone sporadically. Great way to treat yourself! You can never go wrong with chocolate.
Looking good! Great treat for yourself and you did a good thing giving blood. Our church is having a blood drive this Saturday. I can only hope my iron levels are high enough.
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