The barley malt syrup, we discovered, is a lot like molasses but not nearly as thick. The brown rice syrup is so good--similar to maple syrup but not as maple-y. Next time I make the pumpkin bread I will try using it as a maple syrup substitute instead of the molasses.

Yesterday I made the Scrambled Tofu from VWaV again, except this time I customized the spices. I cut the cumin in half, and instead of the thyme (which got stuck in my teeth last time) I used oregano. I also added several good dashes of cayenne pepper. I was out of mushrooms so I left those out, but I added bell pepper again as well as a jalapeño. At the end, I added several large spoonfuls of medium salsa. So this time there was quite a bit more heat in the dish than when I made it before. I served this for brunch (around noon) inside of a whole wheat tortilla, and we had scrambled tofu tacos. Yum! Along with it I made some very strange green beans from The Grit--weird for brunch, I know. But I had them on hand and wanted to use them up. They were very horseradish-mustard flavored, but even the tiny amound of maple syrup the recipe called for was too much for me. Next time I'll either leave it out or use something else (brown rice syrup?).

Finally, dinner. We weren't very hungry, so I thought I would just make something light that would use up some of the stuff I have in the fridge and the pantry. I have about ten different varieties of pasta, and pasta is something we don't often eat. So I boiled up some rigatoni noodles (I got these before I made the switch to whole wheat pasta).

Today--church. And then leftovers for lunch. And then probably red lentil soup for dinner. And it's about time to bake some more bread. It should be an exciting day!
Wow! It ALL looks so delicious!!! I hadn't tried/stocked either of the syrups yet either, so thanks for the review!
Yum. Yum. And yum! Everything looks fabulous. I've never tried the barlet malt syrup, but those cookies make me want to cross the line.
uh oohh more pantry stuff! ;)
It's okay- i wouldn't show my pantry if someone paid me haha
I have used barley malt syrup. We also purchased it in a powder, it offers a malted taste to a vanilla or chocolate smoothie.
Red lentil soup... sounds yum, maybe tommorrow's meal. I need to get back onto something healthier after all the cake, icecream pie and muffins I have eaten for birthday "month".
We often do leftovers after church too, it's nice to heat something up quick.
you are quite a cook.. the noodles look wonderful! I love my tofu scramble wrapped too!
those cookies look great.... and I don't have either of the items in my pantry..
Tofu scramble is great for bfast, lunch or dinner.
I'll be baking bread soon too. I usually bake 3 loaves a week.. (we still buy commerical bread as well).. I'm hoping to switch over to all homemade this fall.
Fabulous pictures! I want to make those balls! :) I made some based on Dreena's Recipe (I blogged about it today) but they aren't raw.
I just bought some Malt Syrup not too long ago but it was a different brand.
Always nice to visit your blog! Happy Monday!
Gorgeous! The food, treats and the plate. WOW!
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